Gods in rain puddles

My dad and my mom were two theologies

braiding together like challah – Jewish and Protestant,

though they changed their faiths to math

and Love. In second grade, I was the only kid on the playground

who didn’t know about Jesus. When a girl told me,

it sounded like a Grimm fairytale. She told me to draw him.

I said, you can’t draw invisible things. (No one ever goes

as God for Halloween.) She thought I was going to hell.

I didn’t believe in hell, just reincarnation, skin into dirt into trees.

I got nightmares from the Bible. Before, I thought Gods were the same as supernovas,

but I started to picture a man in the sky with silver skin,

like someone carved into a coin. He was the only invisible friend

the therapists never tried to train out of me.




P.S. Megan Falley has a really good poem about God in her book After the Witch Hunt.

4 thoughts on “Gods in rain puddles

  1. Excellent. Faith – well I’ll send you an e-mail. I really can identify with you and your piece. Thanks for laughing at Stylus – that’s what it was meant to do.

  2. ‘I didn’t believe in hell, just reincarnation, skin into dirt into trees.’ You want to know something? I don’t believe in hell either — only the kind on Earth that we create for ourselves and other people. If you want to know a little more about how our modern concept of it came to be, here’s an interesting story I found over the weekend: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/unfundamentalistchristians/2014/04/black-saturday-satan-hades-and-the-beginning-of-hell/

    Hope you find your heaven, in any sense. 🙂


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